Awake: the life of yogananda, Yoga India

Awake: the life of yogananda

Awake: the life of yogananda netflix

AWAKE has received numerous awards at film festivals and in addition to offering a moving portrait of Yogananda’s life, it also investigates the reasons why millions of people today turn their attention inward in search of self-realization.
Delighting us with this work, we see a perfect integration between cinematographic and real recreations that leads the viewer from the first sensations perceived by the yogi in his mother’s womb, to the moment when, in 1952, he left his body as if nothing…

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FILMSINOPSISThe documentary is dedicated to the life and teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the classic spiritualAutobiography of a Yogi, which sold millions of copies worldwide and is still considered a reference book for seekers, philosophers and yoga enthusiasts.The material includes interviews, a metaphorical imagery and narrations. It takes us from the holy cities in India, to Harvard Divinity School, with its laboratory of computational physics; from the Center for Science and Spirituality at the University of Pennsylvania, to a Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California.Awake is the story of humanity’s constant yearning: the universal quest for liberation from suffering and for eternal bliss.
MSTICALhe figure of Yogananda and his universal mysticism are reaching out to all the people of the world interested in the truth and fullness of the human being, beyond religions, uniting them in the experience of human divinity. At a time of religious, political and human divisions, Yogananda brings a unifying and essential vision.NATIONAL PRIZE SANTA TERESA 2015. Teresa de Jess; Contributions to interreligious dialogue and interfaces with modern Hinduism, through the yoga of Swami Sri Yukteswar and Paramahansa Yogananda, by Lcia Pedrosa-Padua, PhD in Systematic Theology, Catholic professor at the Pontifical University of Ro de Janeiro (Brazil).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN8AqzUIOOohttp://www.teresadeavila.net/index.php/es/premio-teresaPONENCIA CONGRESS V CENTENNIAL SANTA TERESA. Paramahansa Yoganda, a Hindu mystic of the 20th century by Juan Daniel Escobar, doctor in Theology, professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and San Rafael Seminary.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Trp2FTATtgIEL LTIMO GIFT FROM STEVE JOBShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i81za-Uwk4

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Awake the life of yogananda youtube

AWAKE has received numerous awards at film festivals and in addition to offering a moving portrait of Yogananda’s life, it also investigates the reasons why millions of people today turn their attention inward in search of self-realization.
Delighting us with this work, we see a perfect integration between cinematographic and real recreations that leads the viewer from the first sensations perceived by the yogi in his mother’s womb, to the moment when, in 1952, he left his body as if nothing…

Despierta la vida de yogananda

“Estás caminando sobre la tierra como en un sueño. Nuestro mundo es un sueño dentro de un sueño; debes darte cuenta de que encontrar a Dios es la única meta, el único propósito, por el que estás aquí. Sólo para Él existes. A Él debes encontrar”. – del libro El Romance Divino
Paramahansa Yogananda (nacido Mukunda Lal Ghosh; 5 de enero de 1893 – 7 de marzo de 1952) fue un monje hindú indio, yogui y gurú que introdujo a millones de personas en las enseñanzas de la meditación y el Kriya Yoga a través de su organización Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) / Yogoda Satsanga Society (YSS) de la India, y que vivió sus últimos 32 años en América. Discípulo principal del gurú del yoga bengalí Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, fue enviado por su linaje para difundir las enseñanzas del yoga en Occidente, para demostrar la unidad entre las religiones orientales y occidentales y para predicar un equilibrio entre el crecimiento material occidental y la espiritualidad india[2]. Su larga influencia en el movimiento del yoga estadounidense, y especialmente en la cultura del yoga de Los Ángeles, le llevó a ser considerado por los expertos en yoga como el “Padre del Yoga en Occidente”[3][4].

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